

Wallet consists of 6 main parts:

  • smart contracts
  • connector
  • wallet bridge
  • app bridge
  • service worker
  • wallet window

When user creates his wallet, wallet smartcontract is deployed to the network. Address of user wallet smartcontract is the wallet address

In order to integrate wallet in to an application, connector is used. It's added to a web3 library like wagmi or ethers.js and wallet starts to work with the application. Connector opens wallet window when transaction is requested

All the wallet data is separated from applications and bound to the wallet domain. To access wallet related data or make calls to wallet, bridge is used that consists of two connected parts.

  • App bridge used by connector on the application side to request information like address from wallet or to request an action.
  • Wallet bridge is the opposite side used by iframe on wallet domain spawned to application to receive app requests and send answers back

Serice worker is a background process in browser bound to the wallet domain. It stores sessions, raiseauthn auth, transaction confirmations

  • Wallet window allows user to manage his wallet, approve transactions.
  • Wallet window can be opened by app bridge or by user from the widget that is spawned on applications connected the wallet
  • Wallet is a PWA (Progressive Web Application) and can be installed to user devices as a native application as well as be integrated to dapps distributed as PWAs